

TTU OSU Down Distance Yard line Play Description
0 0 Elliott kicked off at 3:38 P.M. to the elven; Robert Smith returned middle, cut right, down sideline for 34
0 0 OSU 14:53
0 0 1 10 O45 Scottie Graham thru right guard for 7
0 0 2 3 T48 S. Graham off left end for 7 more
0 0 1 10 T41 Raymont Harris outside left tackle for 4
0 0 2 6 T37 S. Graham outside right guard for 2
0 0 3 4 T35 Greg Frey faked left, moved right, passed to S. Graham in flat for 3
0 0 4 1 T32 Texas Tech offside 5
0 0 1 10 T27 Harris counter, cut up inside right tackle for 9
0 0 2 1 T18 S. Graham at left end for 2; Texas Tech face mask 5
0 0 1 10 T11 S. Graham skipped thru right guard for 5
0 0 2 5 T6 S. Graham slanted thru right tackle for 3
0 0 3 2 T3 Harris was stopped at right tackle for 1
0 0 4 1 T2 Frey faked, moved right, faked and ran over right side for no gain
0 0 TTU 8:24
0 0 1 10 T3 Sheffield outside right guard for 2
0 0 2 8 T5 Lynn pitch at left end, out of bounds for 7
0 0 3 1 T12 Ohio State offside 5
0 0 1 10 T17 Texas Tech illegal procedure – 5
0 0 1 15 T12 Sheffield slanted thru right guard for 5
0 0 2 10 T17 Lynn draw over left side, cut up for 15
0 0 1 10 T32 Gill faded, looked, ran right, sacked by Tovar for -6
0 0 2 16 T26 Gill passed too high for Hooper falling down over middle inc.
0 0 3 16 T26 Gill faded, was sacked by Kacherski for -6, fumble recovered by Lynn
0 0 4 22 T20 Dalagerheim punted 41; Jeff Graham returned 15; OSU roughing kicker 15, punt nullified
0 0 1 10 T35 Lynn right tackle for 5
0 0 2 5 T40 Lynn pitch at right end for 4
0 0 3 1 T44 Lynn right of center for 2
0 0 1 10 T46 Sheffield bounced off left for -1; Tovar
0 0 2 11 T45 Gill faked and passed to Sheffield on, screen right for 6
0 0 3 5 O49 Gill passed just behind Manyweather inc; Texas Tech hold, declined
0 0 4 5 O49 Dalagerheim punted to the eleven; J. Graham returned left for 3 (the punt was for 38 yards)
0 0 OSU 1:48
0 0 1 10 O14 S. Graham off right guard for 4
0 0 2 6 O18 Frey faked left, moved right, passed to Jeff Ellis for 18
0 0 1 10 O36 Frey faked, passed to Harris cutting across middle right for 2
0 0 2 8 O38 S. Graham side stepped into left tackle for 1
0 0 3 7 O39 The quarter came to an end before another play
0 0 3 7 O39 Frey faded, stepped up, passed for Harris cutting left, dropped inc.
0 0 4 7 O39 Bohlman punted high right for 36; Saul muffed the fair catch, recovered by Harper
0 0 OSU 14:46
0 0 1 10 T29 Frey passed just too high deep middle for J. Graham inc.
0 0 2 10 T29 Lee at center for 2; Time out Ohio State at 13:58
0 0 3 8 T27 Frey passed to Bobby Olive cutting over middle for 9
0 0 1 10 T18 Lee muffed pitch right for -6; recovered by Washington (charge Frey with the fumble)
0 0 TTU 13:25
0 0 1 10 T25 Lynn at left guard for 2
0 0 2 8 T27 Gill faked, passed too low in deep right flat for Blackshear inc.
0 0 3 8 T27 Gill faded, looked, sacked by Kacherski for -7
0 0 4 15 T20 Dalagerheim punted for 39; rolled dead
0 0 OSU 11:58
0 0 1 10 O41 Frey faked right, rolled left, passed high up for S. Graham; intercepted by Dubiski, return 3
0 0 TTU 11:48
0 0 1 10 O45 Gill faked, passed to Hulme cutting into left flat for 9
0 0 2 1 O36 Lynn pitch at left end, cut up for 4
0 0 1 10 O32 Gill lateraled quick right for Manyweather, low, dropped; Tovar recovered for -11
0 0 OSU 10:43
0 0 1 10 O43 S. Graham dodged into left tackle for 3; Ohio State holding -10; play nullified
0 0 1 20 O33 Frey faked left, moved right, chased back left, passed wide for Harris in short flat inc.
0 0 2 20 O33 S. Graham at left guard 2
0 0 3 18 O35 Frey, from shotgun, passed to Olive over middle for 14; fumble caused by Fergusen, recovered by Saul, returned 5
0 0 TTU 9:19
0 0 1 10 O44 Lynn pitch at left end, dove for 2
0 0 2 8 O42 Gill faded, looked and passed to Blackshear middle for 18
0 0 1 10 O24 Lynn draw over left side for 3
0 0 2 7 O21 Lynn spun at center on draw for no gain
0 0 3 7 O21 Gill passed to Lynn on screen right, cut up left for 10
0 0 1 10 O11 Sheffield crossed into left guard for 1
0 0 2 9 O10 Gill faded, looked, moved right, passed way too high for Lynn in short left flat inc.
0 0 3 9 O10 Gill faded, looked, chased hard and passed wide for Hooper in left flat inc; Texas Tech holding -10, play nullified; Time out Texas Tech at 5:40
0 0 3 19 O20 Gill faded, looked, passed under heavy pressure for nobody left inc. (Kacherski hurt, wheeled off)
3 0 4 19 O20 Elliott’s field goal with Hooper holding was from 37 yards at ‘8: 29
3 0 Elliott kicked off to the twelve; Smith returned center for 27
3 0 OSU 5:22
3 0 1 10 O39 Frey faked left, moved right, sacked by Washington for -7
3 0 2 17 O32 Frey faked, passed deep left for Brian Stablein; broken up Walker inc.
3 0 3 17 O32 Frey, from shotgun, passed to Bernard Edwards short middle for 10
3 0 4 7 O42 Bohlman punted left for 38; Saul returned 5
3 0 TTU 3:48
3 0 1 10 T25 Lynn cut up into right guard for 3
3 0 2 7 T28 Lynn pitch at right end, out of bounds for 5
3 0 3 2 T33 Lynn pitch at left end, spun for 1; Tech holding -10
3 0 3 11 T24 Lynn draw, wide left for 1
3 0 4 10 T25 Dalagerheim punted left for 35; J. Graham returned left for 6
3 0 OSU 2:01
3 0 1 10 O46 Frey faked, rolled left, passed to J. Graham in flat for 6
3 0 2 4 T48 Frey faked, chased left, passed too wide for Lee on screen inc.
3 0 3 4 T48 Frey passed just behind Lee cutting into right flat, dropped inc.
3 0 4 4 T48 Bohlman punted 48 yards, bounced in for the Touchback
3 0 TTU 1:36
3 0 1 10 T20 Texas Tech illegal procedure -5
3 0 1 15 T15 Lynn pitch right, cut up for -1; G. Smith; Time out Ohio State at 1:29
3 0 2 16 T14 Lynn draw middle for 1; G. Smith caused fumble, recovered by Johnson
3 0 OSU 1:21
3 0 1 10 T15 Frey faded, looked, ran right end for 5
3 0 2 5 T10 Harrison thru right guard for 1; fumble caused Wingo, returned by Rowe for 3
3 0 TTU 1:08
3 0 1 10 T12 Lynn at left guard for 2; Time out Ohio State at 1:01
3 0 2 8 T14 Lynn quick draw middle for 2
3 0 3 6 T16 Gill faked and carried right for 2 as the half ended at 5:05 P.M.
3 0 T. Williams kicked off at 5:27 P.M. to the eighteen; Sears return 14
3 0 TTU 14:56
3 0 1 10 T32 Gill faked, passed way too low middle for Blackshear inc. .
3 0 2 10 T32 Lynn dodged thru right guard for 3
3 0 3 7 T35 Texas Tech illegal procedure – 5
3 0 3 12 T30 Gill faked, faded, looked, passed to Blackshear on left sideline -deep, out of bounds for 28
3 0 1 10 O42 Gill faked, faded, under pressure, passed short for Sheffield inc.
3 0 2 10 O42 Sheffield off right tackle. for 1
3 0 3 9 O41 Gill passed for Naughton middle; broken up by Cook inc.
3 0 4 9 O41 Dalagerheim punted into the end zone for the Touchback ~ 41 yards
3 0 OSU 12:49
3 0 1 10 O20 Harris into left tackle for 2
3 0 2 8 O22 Frey passed for Ellis right center; broken up by Wingo inc.
3 0 3 8 O22 Frey passed to Edwards moving into right flat for 14
3 0 1 10 O36 Frey passed quick to Olive in right flat, broke tackles, broke another tackle for 32
3 0 1 10 T32 Smith pitch at right end, dove for 8
3 0 2 2 T24 Smith at center, wide left for 6
3 0 1 10 T18 Smith counter left end for 1
3 0 2 9 T17 Frey rolled right, passed for Stablein at flag; broken up by Saul inc.
3 0 3 9 T17 Frey on draw middle, cut left for 2
3 3 4 7 T15 T. Williams’ field goal was from 32 yards at 8: 30
3 3 T. Williams Kicked off left and out of bounds -5
3 3 T. Williams kicked off low on bounce to the fifteen; Blackshear returned 24
3 3 TTU 8:24
3 3 1 10 T39  Lynn at left tackle for no gain; Coleman
3 3 2 10 T39 Gill faded, rolled left, passed deep for Manyweather, wide inc.
3 3 3 10 T39 Gill passed too wide for Lynn cutting into left flat inc.
3 3 4 10 T39 Dalagerheim punted short, middle, rolled dead for 38
3 3 OSU 7:23
3 3 1 10 O24 Smith cut off right tackle for 2 (Ellis hurt, walked off)
3 3 2 8 O26 Frey faked right and sacked by Petty for -5
3 3 3 13 O21 Frey passed for J. Graham cutting over middle short, dropped inc.
3 3 4 13 O21 Bohlman punted 44; Saul returned 11
3 3 TTU 5:50
3 3 1 10 T46 Lynn turned left end for 2
10 3 2 8 T48 Gill passed to Lynn steaking down left sideline on the thirty-one, out sped all defenders for the TD at the flag at 5:03 – Elliott PAT with Hooper holding
10 3 Elliott kicked off to the eight; Harris returned middle for 15
10 3 OSU 4:56
10 3 1 10 O23 Frey faked, passed just too wide for Ellis down middle inc.; Ohio State illegal procedure -5, play nullified
10 3 1 15 O18 Frey passed to Smith cutting into right flat, slipped a tackle, slipped another, out of bounds for 24
10 3 1 10 O42 Smith pitch at right end, cut up, broke clear down sideline for 39
10 3 1 10 T19 Harrison cut back thru left guard, clear for 9
10 3 2 1 T10 Smith spring draw thru right guard spun for 8
10 10 1 GL T2 Smith, after fake, took pitch at right end, in at the flag for the TD at 3:13 – T. Williams PAT with Herbstreit holding
10 10 T. Williams kicked off to the eight; Allen returned 16
10 10 TTU 3:09
10 10 1 10 T24 Gill passed quick for Blackshear in right flat, dropped inc.
10 10 2 10 T24 Gill passed as he was hit to Sears in left flat for -1; Koch
10 10 3 11 T23 Gill passed for Naughton deep down left sideline, wide inc.
10 10 4 11 T23 Hall punted high and short, bounced back for 11, downed by Tech
10 10 OSU 1:59
10 10 1 10 T33 Smith pitch left, hit quick by Banks for -4
10 10 2 14 T37 Frey faded, chased right, passed to Smith cutting into right flat for 17
10 10 1 10 T20 Lee sprint draw thru left guard, cut wide for 12
10 10 1 GL T8 Harrison fought thru right guard for 4 as the quarter ended
10 10 2 GL T4 Frey faked, was pressured as he passed too high for Harris in right flat inc.
10 10 3 GL T4 Frey passed on lob quick too high for J. Graham in right flat inc.
10 10 4 GL T4 T. Williams’ field goal try with Herbstreit holding was wide to the right from 21 yards at 14:49 – Touchback
10 10 TTU 14:49
10 10 1 10 T20 Lynn turned over high at right tackle for 2
10 10 2 8 T22 Lynn was stood up on draw center by G. Smith for -3
10 10 3 11 T19 Lynn draw at right tackle for 1
10 17 4 10 T20 Dalagerheim punted low middle for 30; J. Graham broke clear center cut left, down sideline, clear at the flag for the TD at 12:47; T. Williams PAT with Herbstreit holding
10 17 T. Williams kicked off short right, bounced to the fifteen; Allen returned 7
10 17 TTU 12:41
10 17 1 10 T22 Lynn pitch at left end for no gain; Tovar
10 17 2 10 T22 Gill faked, passed to Ross on curl left for 20
10 17 1 10 T42 Lynn cut into right end for no gain, Tech holding -10, play nullified
10 17 1 20 T32 Gill passed to Lynn on screen right, cut left for 5
10 17 2 15 T37 Gill faked, passed too short for Blackshear middle; Herman intercepted, returned left and out of bounds for 29
10 17 OSU 10:13
10 17 1 10 T21 Smith dodged into left tackle 3
10 17 2 7 T18 Smith was stopped on draw at center for no gain; Rowe
10 17 3 7 T18 Smith draw at right guard for 7
10 17 1 10 T11 Harrison cut outside right guard for 6
10 17 2 4 T5 Smith pitch at right end for -2; fumble caused by Petty, recovered by McFarland
10 17 TTU 7:38
10 17 1 10 T7 Lynn at right guard for 3
10 17 2 7 T10 Gill passed for Manyweather in deep right flat, low inc.
10 17 3 7 T10 Lynn draw thru left side, broke a tackle, slipped one for 19
10 17 1 10 T29 Gill faded, rolled right, sacked by Tovar for -9 (Gill hurt, walked off)
10 17 2 19 T20 Rattan rolled left, ran end for 5
10 17 3 14 T25 Sheffield slanted into right guard for no gain (Time out Ohio State at 4:45)
10 17 4 14 T25 Dalagerheim punted center, downed by Tech for 52
10 17 OSU 4:34
10 17 1 10 O23 Smith turned right end, out of bounds for 4
10 17 2 6 O27 Smith was stopped at left tackle for no gain; Liscio
10 17 3 6 O27 Frey faked, chased, cut up over left side for no gain; Wingo
10 17 4 6 O27 Bohlman punted 54 center; Saul returned wide right for 9
10 17 TTU 2:53
10 17 1 10 T28 Gill passed to Lynn on screen left for no gain; Coleman
10 17 2 10 T28 Gill passed to Blackshear in right flat for 13
10 17 1 10 T41 Lynn draw at right guard for no gain; Coleman (Peel hurt, walked off – Time out Texas Tech at 1:47)
10 17 2 10 T41 Gill faded, rolled left, passed to Ross for 9
10 17 3 1 50 Gill passed for Ross in deep right flat, low inc.
10 17 4 1 50 Gill passed too long for Manyweather deep down right sideline inc.
10 17 OSU 1:08
10 17 1 10 50 Smith sprint draw at left guard for 5
10 17 2 5 T45 Smith thru right guard for 3 Time out Texas Tech at 0:17
10 17 3 2 T42 Smith at left guard for 3 Time out Texas Tech at 0:13
10 17 1 10 T39 Frey put his knee down for -2 as the game ended at 6:54 P.M.


Date League Season Attendance
September 8, 1990 Ohio State 1990 88,707


Ohio State00107217Win
Texas Tech0370110Loss


Ohio Stadium